*We do our best to calculate and estimate the impact you will have, but please don't nail us down on this estimate.
On a mission to save the world!
... well, not really, but trying our best to make it more worth living.
Trees need care in order to grow big. That's why we monitor, water and replace the trees with the kids making them environmental stewards.
In order to help our earth, it needs more trees. Yes: It can be that easy. So together with the school kids, we're planting trees in their schools and communities.
Climate education is the starting key to saving our planet. So we're on the ground supporting to distribute the keys in the form of knowledge and technology.
Let Erklärbär Nick and Daniel explain, how we work and what we do.
We can feel you like us. Let's have a flirt and see where it goes.
Be our long-term crush and get an estimated yearly impact* of:
*We do our best to calculate and estimate the impact you will have, but please don't nail us down on this estimate.
Our friendship is a very special one. Attraction and trust is the base and we stand by each other, openly and honestly without a fixed commitment. So what are you waiting for!?
Our most popular pick that will get you an estimated yearly impact* of:
*We do our best to calculate and estimate the impact you will have, but please don't nail us down on this estimate.
It's for real - love is in the air. We truly believe we are made for each other.
In our serious relationship, you can do a huge estimated yearly impact* of:
*We do our best to calculate and estimate the impact you will have, but please don't nail us down on this estimate.